Zaga Update re COVID-19

Starting immediately, Zaga Design will be following CDC guidelines of social distancing in order to help minimize our impact on the more vulnerable members of our population. Most of us have direct contact with our own parents - some of whom are already health compromised. So, for the next few weeks (currently, our effective dates of implementation are March 16th – April 7th), we intend to close our physical office and begin working from home.  We are hoping to creatively utilize technology to continue servicing all our valued clients. Thank you for understanding our concern to protect our community where we are able. 

Project Initiation & Schematic Design:

To continue our design process, we would like to propose that any upcoming meetings are held virtually through phone, Microsoft Teams or Zoom meetings. We realize this may be an inconvenience for many of you, but please know it is heartbreaking for us as we appreciate the energy of direct and personal interaction.

Site Meetings:
For now, we will be available to selectively attend site meetings when needed, though this may change if community spread becomes more prevalent. We request that contractors work with their teams to ensure workers self-quarantine when needed.
Building Departments and Permits:
Thus far, we have not heard of changes in how we work with the Building or Planning Departments and permit filing and response. We will try to conduct our business with these agencies by email for now. We imagine there will be slowdowns here as well. As always, we will do our best to navigate these and advocate for your projects in the best way possible.
We welcome any questions, feedback or suggestions from you all. Together, we will get through this challenging moment. Thank you for your patience and continued support. And to our clients on the front lines helping our community through health care, we offer our profound appreciation and respect.

With sincere gratitude,
Team Zaga

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